In response to the tornado that caused so much damage on Janesville's south side, JUFA has begun a project to replace trees lost to the storm. We will be evaluating the damage and looking for spots where trees were destroyed. Currently JUFA members are evaluating the hardest hit areas and collecting data on where trees are needed. If you see someone driving slowly down your streets and apparently looking at your property, it is likely to be a JUFA volunteer. Next we will be sending letters to residents and homeowners offering them the option to replace their lost trees with bare-root nursery stock. Watch your mailbox for our letters. We will be asking that each household that has lost trees donate $25 toward the cost of the trees. We will pick up the rest of the cost using donations we have received in part from SSM Health and the Shade Tree Fund of the Community Foundation of Southern Wisconsin. We will purchase the trees, deliver them to the planting site, and JUFA volunteers will plant them for you. We will mulch and stake the trees (if needed), and provide each household with instructions on how to care for them. The project has already begun. We plan to plant at least 60 trees in the tornado zone this year. This project will continue on until JUFA has located and replanted all those trees that homeowners want to replace. Below is just some of the damage in that area.
JUFA is a not for profit organization. All our funding comes through grants and donations. Without the help of the Community Foundation of Southern Wisconsin (CFSW) the organization that manages our funds, we would not be able to do the work that we do. We want to thank CFSW for the years of support that they have given us. We look forward to working with them for many years to come.
What do you know about the urban forest? Take the quiz and find out!
For answers to the Urban Forestry Quiz, click the link at the bottom of the page.
For answers to the Urban Forestry Quiz, click the link at the bottom of the page.

JUFA Chair, Ethan Lee - Ethan is serving his fourth term as chair. His insight as City Forester has been invaluable to JUFA. His love of forestry and his extensive knowledge of trees and the urban forest has greatly benefited our work. His position with the City of Janesville has given him a unique ability of work with citizens, organizations, corporations, and groups like ours.

Secretary/Treasurer Mary Kay Thompson - Mary has been Sec/Treas since she was first elected in 2009.
Click the link above for the answers to the Urban Foresty Quiz.